The Truth About The Law Of Attraction!

Human in the Cosmos

What if we told you that the Law of Attraction isn’t ‘woo-woo’ but a tool we can maximise if implemented properly, according to scientific research?

Is life a consequence of our thoughts, feelings, and actions? Do we create our own fate or is it luck of the draw?

There are many universal laws. These include the Law of Vibration, Law of Action, Law of Correspondence, Law of Cause & Effect, Law of Compensation, Law of Attraction, Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Law of Relativity, Law of Polarity, and Law of Rhythm.

Today we will focus on the Law of Attraction!

What is the Law of Attraction?

In a nutshell, the law of attraction is ‘like attracts like’. Thoughts become things. Ask, believe, receive, and what we can conceive, we can achieve.

Bright idea image

While it is true that thought is the foundation of all we manifest, there is more to add to this simple concept. Thoughts are energy – creative energy. It is the beginning of everything we mindfully create. Without thought, nothing will be created. It is the first step in the chain of events that creates our reality. The power to create comes from within us, not outside us.

When we take action on or create something it often starts as a thought. For example, we think about making a cup of tea and then proceed with the action in order to make it happen.

How does the Law of Attraction work?

Some of the books written about the Law of Attraction miss one very important element. Remembering to ‘feel what you are creating,’ is very important within the law of attraction. Feelings take a crucial role when we are wanting to attract something greater.

Ideas and feelings are innately linked and they seem to come at about the same time. Sometimes we feel like doing something and other times the feeling is first generated by the thought. Either way, the two creative powers are the essence of creation.

There are two main creative feelings, excitement and passion. Thoughts and feelings hold extremely positive energy, without them the process of creation will still work, but not as easily.

Brain and energy

To help the law of attraction flow with ease, we need to find harmony within ourselves so that we are not subconsciously sabotaging the process. Our brain is wired to our current thought patterns, in order to break these, we must create new habits to create new subconscious patterns.

The mind and imagination are powerful tools! Thoughts have energy; if we want to magnify and empower that energy, we need to talk about it, maybe creatively write or draw something, look at it in our mind, or on paper, and then take action. Thoughts, words, and deeds are what creation is all about.

What tools can we use towards the Law of Attraction?

Look at affirmations: these short, positive, and motivating phrases can be helpful support as we use our will and intention to create positive change in our lives. They are used as a way to magnify our thoughts and determination during the process of creating what we want.

Woman with affirmations

Meditation is another tool to help still our minds, and become more present, accepting and attuned to ourselves. In meditation, we can visualise the journey of achieving our goal and the feeling when the goal is achieved.

Gratitude is a great way to boost our vibration. Being grateful for what we already have gives us the power to feel more positive and happy. Read more on gratitude here.

When we are wanting to attract something into our life we have to understand it won’t always be easy. There will be challenges, changes and discomfort. Using these tools daily is what will help us stay aligned, let go and trust the process. We become more aware of ourselves and our surroundings to help us understand where changes need to happen. We begin to vibrate on a higher frequency!

How can you make the Law of Attraction work for you?

Maintain a positive mental attitude. When we think good thoughts, we attract good things into our life. If we believe we are going to fail, we most likely will. If we believe we can succeed, then success will more likely be ours.

This does not mean that bad things won’t happen, but it is within these moments that we are challenged to accept what is, release and trust the process.

How quickly we change our mindset and perspective in a situation has the power to change our life, our health and our well-being. Steering away from people, situations and environments that make us feel drained, negative, miserable and anything but good is what we need to become aware of and avoid, or at least spend less time around.

What is the science behind the Law of Attraction?

Every thought has a frequency. Everything is energy.

All energy vibrates and everything has a unique frequency. When two vibrations resonate at the same frequency, they are attracted to each other.

Neurotransmitters in the brain send signals from one stem cell to another.

Electrical impulses travel from the brain to the spinal cord, sending electrical impulses to the muscles in our body and forcing them to move how we want them to.

Any limitations are in our minds!

Look at the people around you. Have you ever been around someone anxious or scared? They might start to panic about something which then creates panic among others. Fear within others will register in our brains as fear in return. We begin to feel scared and anxious, too.

Alternatively, have you ever walked into a room or met someone and instantly felt good energy or bad energy? Before anyone has spoken there has been an exchange of energies and we already know whether we want to engage or become invisible.

Scientific Study on the Law of Attraction

Looking at this is a scientific study called the “Placebo Effect.” Dr Fabrizio Benedetti treated patients with Parkinson’s disease and connected them to a computerised morphine injection. Some patients were not told they were having a dose and some were. The morphine was 50% more effective when they knew it was coming.

Their belief made morphine more powerful!

There are many more quantum physic studies that support the Law of Attraction. If we dive even further then this blog will end up becoming a book. However, if you would like to know more then we would highly recommend reading, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza and “Mind to Matter” by Dawson Church. Both books discuss the scientific side of the Law of Attraction in more detail and it is mind-blowing!

Ok, so far, it all sounds too good to be true, right? We just have to think about what we want, feel good and VOILA…it’s here! WRONG! This is just the first part of the Law of Attraction. The second part could be the hardest!

Take Action!

Many celebrities use the Law of Attraction including Oprah Winfrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lady Gaga, Jim Carrey, and many more.

One of our favourite stories is by Jim Carrey. He spoke about his experience with the Law of Attraction on Oprah Winfrey in 1997. Check out the inspiring video below:

We can’t just visualise and sit back and wait for it to happen. It takes effort and energy too.

Meditation, visualisation, affirmations, goal planning, and journalling are just a few tools to help create the law of attraction mindset. The law of attraction can come in different forms, not just the obvious. For example, if we are manifesting more money, we might be offered an interest-free overdraft from our bank or a small cheque from a family member. It’s being able to recognise and be open to receiving and showing gratitude.

Sometimes we have to meet halfway. We can do all the visualisations, work through limiting beliefs and imagine ourselves achieving our goals and then do nothing about them. We sit in front of Netflix but refuse to change our habits. We have the power to change our lives but only WE hold the power to do that!

Take aligned action and trust the process. If we hold on too tight to the outcome or get frustrated when there is a hurdle, we’ll then potentially be creating a fear mindset. “What would happen to a butterfly if you caught it in your hand and held it too tight for fear of losing it?”

Be Patient!

Once we master those skills, we become open to opportunity and vibrate on the same frequency. It is important to not get too hung up on the end result. Have a goal in mind, work to vibrate on that frequency, release the outcome and have trust.

Sometimes we can cling to deadlines, time frames and instant gratification that we instantly feel frustrated and retreat to our old habits. Have you ever thought that by being patient and harnessing trust, these things will come to you, they may even be better than you originally imagined. Stay open to possibilities!


The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that we are creating our own lives. If this is true it would be important to realise that if we hold such power within us, we should use it well. If we look at this further, we could also have unwittingly been creating negativity or problems in our lives, so living with the Law of Attraction in mind as a new way of life can help change this.

As Buddha says, “Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

Whether we believe in the power of the law of attraction or not, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is our thoughts, how we speak to ourselves and how we feel about ourselves. If we use some of these tools to make us feel better and to be kinder to ourselves, imagine how much better the world would be.


Seek and Discover